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Postnatal Yoga for ladies

For Ladies

55 min

Service Description

حصة اليوجا والتعافي مابعد الولادة مرحبًا بك في حصة اليوجا والتعافي ما بعد الولادة، صممت هذه الحصة برعاية خاصة لدعمك كأم جديدة في رحلتك نحو التعافي. تركز هذه الحصة على نقاط أساسية مثل تقييم الانفصال العضلي، تقوية قاع الحوض والأربطة، وتقوية الجسم بشكل عام، مع دمج أفضل تمارين البيلاتس والعلاج الطبيعي واليوجا. يمكنك الانضمام إلينا في أي وقت خلال السنة الأولى بعد الولادة، سواء بعد بضعة أسابيع من الولادة الطبيعية أو بعد ستة أشهر من الولادة القيصرية. يُفضل دائمًا استشارة طبيبك للتأكد من استعدادك للبدء. نرحب أيضًا بإحضار مولودك الجديد معك إلى الاستوديو أو إحضار المربية أو وضع طفلك نائماً بجانبك خلال الجلسة. ولكن لا نقدم خدمات الحضانة، و توفر هذه الحصة بيئة مليئة بالعناية والدعم لمساعدتك على استعادة القوة والمرونة والصحة العامة، مما يجعل انتقالك إلى النشاط اليومي انتقالاً سلساً ولطيفاً. Welcome to our nurturing postnatal yoga and recovery class, thoughtfully designed to support you as a new mother on your journey to recovery. This class focuses on essential areas like diastasis recti assessment, pelvic floor and ligament strengthening, and overall body conditioning, blending the best of Pilates, physical therapy, and yoga. You’re invited to join us at any time during the first year after delivery—whether a few weeks postpartum for natural childbirth or six months after a C-section. Always consult your doctor to ensure you're ready to begin. We warmly welcome you to bring your newborn along. While we don't offer nursery services, you’re welcome to bring a nanny or let your baby sleep peacefully next to you during the session. Our class provides a compassionate and supportive environment to help you regain strength, flexibility, and overall well-being, making your transition back to regular activity smooth and gentle.

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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy If you have purchased a single class: - Before 12h from your session: You can always cancel or reschedule your session if you inform us on time. Cancellation entitles you to a voucher that you can use at any time within the next 12 months. Rescheduling allows you to choose any class on the schedule of the same price point; our reception team will take care of booking the new class for you. - After 12h from your session: Unfortunately, at this point, we can’t cancel or reschedule your class. If any urgent medical reason occurs, please provide us with your medical certificate to issue a refund voucher that you can use at any time within the next 12 months. To request your reschedule or cancellation, email us at or send us a text/WhatsApp at +966 53 833 5633. Note: We might not reply immediately, according to our reception working hours! Don’t worry, if the email or the message are received in the right time frame, you will be granted all your rights. If you have an active membership: - Before 12h from your session: You can always cancel or reschedule your session using our App. - After 12h from your session: Unfortunately, at this point, we can’t cancel or reschedule your class. If any urgent medical reason occurs, please provide us with your medical certificate to issue a refund on your membership. If you are experiencing any trouble with the App, email us at or send us a text/WhatsApp at +966 53 833 5633. Note: We might not reply immediately, according to our reception working hours! Don’t worry, if the email or the message is received in the right time frame, you will be granted all your rights. If you are joining us for a special workshop or guest teacher: - Each event has a different policy: please refer to the event page for details.

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